Mission & Vision
The Beautiful Foundation is a nonprofit organization led by the voluntary participation of citizens in sharing. It was established in August, 2000, with the purpose of spreading a mature philanthropic culture and supporting neighbors in community and public-benefit activities.
Change for allConnection to change
This is our value and our aim that is significant to us. We don’t work for the benefit of certain people. Alienation or discrimination cannot be found in the world The Beautiful Foundation is drawing.
We don’t dream of an absurd change. We seek fundamental change rather than short-term change. So, we choose to go step by step and persistently from small tasks to policies and institutions.
This is the closest to our identity. Our nature is to be ‘Connectors.’ We create agenda to connect the good intentions of individuals, groups, and society.
The world becoming a better place on its own is impossible.We will first start the change.
We will be a challenging foundation that links citizen participation with sharing to resolve diverse problems in society.
Our change begins with the small things. We look to what we can actually do, to the changes that will really work, and then carry them out.
Social Problems
The social problem we look into is 'inequality.' This means the neglect of one side's rights or human rights for the benefit of another and not 'all' in terms of opportunity, resources, and opinion. For this reason, we need to look closely at the different areas of society to see if anyone is slipping through the cracks. We also keep ourselves in check to ensure that what we do doesn't result in another form of discrimination or isolation.
Civic Participation and Philanthropy
We cannot create good change on our own. Participation is an expression of good intentions and the will to create change. We set the stage for goodwill to be expressed. We don't simply enforce sharing but incentivize it and have this lead to voluntary action.
Core Values
This means the common beliefs, perspectives, behavioral patterns, and business principles our members have to achieve our mission and vision.Public Good
We make the world a better place
- Put the community's interests above an individual's interests
- Respect the donors' opinions and provide better alternatives
- Give ear to the desires of persons eligible for support and respect their dignity and rights
We think without discrimination, prejudice, and exclusion
- Think from the side of the minority
- Stay averse to prejudice and biased attitude
We conduct every stage of our work with transparency and abide the law
- Act with integrity and morality
- Share not only the outcome but also the process of the work's meaning embodying values
- Create social impact and grow properly
We respect one another and help each other grow with openness
- Try to collaborate with more partners
- Work together to grow together
- Cooperation begins with mutual trust
We find better ways to resolve social problems and respond to them
- Challenge begins with the Foundation's identity
- Challenge to learn than to succeed
- Be averse to remaining in the status quo
Logo Explanation
Seeds of giving
We associate trees with vitality, life, and giving.It is these attributes that the Beautiful Foundation hopes to promote through all of its programs and initiatives. The orange color in the logo represents maturity and health. This tree is not like other trees in the sense that it has seeds sprouting from its branches, not leaves. In time, each seed descends from the tree to the earth and grows into another tree. Growth quickly becomes exponential. Giving works in much the same way. The gift of one individual, no matter what the size is, has a ripple effect upon society. Giving begets goodness and more giving. The Beautiful Foundation is not made up of one person, one corporation, or one group. It includes every person who engages in small acts of sharing for their neighborhood and society.
The Beautiful Foundation was created and sustained by the passionate hopes and empathy of ordinary people. The Foundation is owned by these beautiful people who contribute what they have earned though their sweat and hard work, preciously sharing all they can.
- Publishing a book 'Me, Son Ja-young, 18-year-old Adult' containing the perspective of Youth Preparing for Independence
- DGI 2024, 'Open the Transition of Non-Profit Sector: Environment and Ecosystem' Holds a Announcement on Survey Results
- Launched New Support projects 'Infants and Toddlers' Health Rights', 'Eum(Connection) of youth', 'Elderly health care'
- Citizen Participation Online Promotion 'Together Break'
- The Beautiful Foundation-Sihyunhada Holds Pop-up Photo Exhibition of '18-year-old Adult's Nadaum'
- Held 24th Giving Korea Symposium 'Giving Korea 2024', and a survey on changes in individual donation perceptions and communication between the public and donors was announced
- Opened 'Youth, Space' Housing Crisis Youth Self-reliance Support Space'
- Published Nanum Books 18 'Reading the Donation Act Together: Past, Present, and Future of the Donation Act'
- Held 'Pop-up Playground-Anyway, Connection' an Event Inviting Donors
- Beautiful Foundation-PlayD Award for Excellence in the 'Search Performance (Small)' category at the 2024 Digital Advertising Awards in Korea
- Gyeonggi-do Governor of Merit for Welfare of Persons with Disabilities Awarded
- Announcement of new mission, vision and core values
- Launched New Support projects 'Assistive devices for game accessibility of handicapped people', 'New start for single mothers', 'Improvement of community childcare centers', and 'Residential space for youth on the brink of becoming homeless'
- The book 'Hello, 18-year-old adult' was selected as the '2023 Jeju City Book of the Year'
- The Beautiful Foundation-Seoul Metropolitan Government-Yangcheon-gu Sign MOU to Create a barrier-free indoor playground
- Launched Environment Area campaign 'Looking for Yuja' for a safe school environment free of harmful substances is launched
- Published Nanum Books 17 'The Heart-Beating Donation Revolution' (Korean translation)
- Emergency support for flood recovery from torrential rains in North Chungcheong region, South Korea
- Kim Jin-Ah appointed as the Secretary-General of the Beautiful Foundation
- The brand video of the '18-year-old Adult' campaign won the Best Picture Award at the '2023 Epi Awards Korea'
- Held 23rd Giving Korea Symposium 'Giving Korea 2023', announced the first research on organizational culture of non-profit organizations in Korea
- 'Her Story, Hope Story': Commemorative Exhibition for the 20th Anniversary of the 'Hope Store', Supporting Single Mother Entrepreneurs.
- Held An impact presentation on the youth project to prepare for self-reliance '18 adults, resonant'
- Broadcaster Choi Eun-kyung won the Prime Minister's commendation at the '3rd Korea Good Donor Award'
- Opening of The Beautiful Foundation-Korean International Network 'Utoro Peace Memorial Museum'
- Philanthropy Research Centers Network, held the 8th Giving Knowledge Network Co-Planned Forum 'Nonprofit discusses impact: gauging process and current state'
- DGI 2022, held a conference on the survey outcomes under the theme of 'Is South Korea a good environment for nonprofits to work in?'
- Held panel discussion 'Millennials and Gen Z discuss the future of 18-year-old adults' as part of the '18-year-old Adult' campaign to support Youth Preparing for Independence
- Launched 'Obstacle-free indoor playground support project', 'Single-mothers childcare support project', 'Creating ECO-classrooms where students and teachers are happy'
- Held 22nd Giving Korea Symposium 'Giving Korea 2022', analyzed South Korea's giving patterns by gender and generation
- Launched 'Support project for small business owners in crisis'
- Received commendation from Minister of Environment for 'Support project to create safe and sound schools'
- The Beautiful Foundation-Starbucks, opened community store 'Co-existing store' to support Youth Preparing for Independence
- Published book 'Hello, 18-year-old adult' about the realities and remaining work to be done for Youth Preparing for Independence
- The Center on Philanthropy-Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, held presentation on the 'Global Philanthropy Tracker'
- Published Nanum Books 15 'Boards that make a difference' (Korean translation)
- Season 3 of '18-year-old Adult' campaign to support youth aging out of institutional care
- Published 'Impact report on scenario for change project' on The Beautiful Foundation's performance of philanthropic activities
- Unveiled The Beautiful Foundation-Korean International Network 'Utoro village digital historical map'
- Launched support projects for 'Learning of youth with experience in institutional care', 'Livelihood stabilization of youth aging out of institutional care', 'Financial education of youth', 'Telecommunication expenses of youth set to age out of institutional care' to support the independence of youth aging out of institutional care
- The Beautiful Foundation-Jirisan Eum, official opening of 'Jirisan change community space 'Deulssuk''
- Published Scenario for Change Incubating Book 3 'Going to dig out some fun now'
- Published first issue of newsletter on philanthropy issues 'HuHu Letter'
- 'Support project to create safe and sound schools (Yuja school)', participated in the Ministry of Environment Chemical Safety Week
- Held 21st Giving Korea Symposium 'Giving Korea 2021', presented on the outcomes of the first study on human resource management of nonprofit organizations in South Korea
- Held '18-year-old adult investment briefing', presented on the outcomes of the survey on youth aging out of institutional care, 'Ways to strengthen the support for youth aging out of institutional care'
- Opened 400th 'Hope store' the support project that provides microcredit loans for single mothers to start their own business
- Launched 'Support project for dream of independent settlement of youth' to help youth aging out of institutional care who are not going to university to find ways to support themselves
- Carried out emergency aid for COVID-19 relief (provided immediate living expenses to business owners who are single mothers and protective equipment/daily necessaries to vulnerable people)
- Published 'Guidebook for raising premature babies (in five languages)' for multicultural and immigrant families
- Published Scenario of Change Incubating Book 2 'Home, pride home'
- Launched 'Support project for custom-made assistive devices for disabled women – wings for disabled women'
- The Beautiful Foundation-Jirisan Eum, began the campaign 'Create Jirisan small change community space 'Deulssuk''
- Season 2 of '18-year-old Adult' campaign to support youth aging out of institutional care
- Launched 'Support project to create safe and sound schools (Yuja school)'
- Launched website for the 20th anniversary of The Beautiful Foundation
- 'Handwritten uniform' event video of 'Though name is forgotten' campaign to support families of people with dementia, awarded 'Silver Award' in the public service advertisement category of the '2020 Korea Advertising Awards'
- Held 20th Giving Korea Symposium 'Giving Korea 2020', evaluated the past 20 years of giving in South Korea and presented on the outcomes of the survey on giving for COVID-19 relief.
- Conducted joint fundraising project of The Beautiful Foundation-KBS Feast on the Road-Kakao Together
- Carried out '18-year-old Adult' campaign to support youth aging out of institutional care
- Published Nanum Books 14 'Ethics in nonprofit organizations' (Korean translation)
- Held 'Contest for support project on relief of areas missed in workers' compensation' and 'Integrated contest for residence area'
- Published Scenario for Change Incubating Book 1 'Connecting people, villages, the world'
- Appointment of Chairman Han Chan-hee
- Second year memorial event of the Foundation's first donor Grandmother Kim Gun-ja, group viewing of film 'A Long Way Around'
- Held 'Panel discussion on support for independence of youth aging out of institutional care'
- Jointly held '2019 activist stories week' with The Eum
- Held 19th Giving Korea Symposium 'Giving Korea 2019', presented on the analysis of CEO leadership of 292 nonprofit organizations in South Korea
- 'Professor Song Ha-won's Wings for Books Fund', donated around 900 books in multi-languages to Seoul Metropolitan Library
- Installed '51 Utoro' container with Utoro artifacts in Utoro village
- Performed play '18-year-old adult' showing realities of youth aging out of institutional care
- First contest of 'Youth Committee for Distribution' by a Korean nonprofit
- Opened 'Jirisan Small Change Support Center' to support discovery, resolution, change of problems in region
- First contest on 'Support project for apprenticeship start-ups' to help single mothers support themselves
- Appointment of The Beautiful Foundation Secretary-General Kwon Chan
- Launched 'Support project of assistive devices for at-home elderly with dementia'
- Launched 'Support project to improve residential environment of child-headed households'
- Carried out 'Though name is forgotten' campaign for families of people with dementia
- Carried out 'Remember me Utoro' campaign to build Utoro Peace Memorial Museum
- Held 18th Giving Korea Symposium 'Giving Korea 2018', survey on people's level of trust in nonprofit fundraising organizations
- Carried out 'One step of expectation' campaign to support disabled children
- Held 'Opening ceremony for network on childcare of immigrant children in Gyeonggido' to guarantee rights to childcare for immigrant children
- Published Nanum Books 13 'How to write successful fundraising proposals', held special lecture 'Special education on fundraising proposals – Kim Jae-chun's fundraising proposal stories that couldn't make it to the book'
2017 ~ 1999
Structure & Board
- Committee
- Grantmaking Committee
- Fund Management Committee
- Donation Consulting Committee
- Center on Philanthropy
- Strategy Planning Office
- Donor Participation Team
- Public Marketing Team
- Change Support Team
- Multilateral Cooperation Team
- Fund-Raising Team
- Brand Communication Team
- Social Change Team
- Research Project Team
- General Affairs Office
- Finance and Accounting Team
- Organizational Management Team